Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yup - you can all exhale now...I officially passed my dreaded board exam! (Maybe it's just me that needs to exhale.) The exam itself was quite painful, I have to admit - I certainly didn't want to do it again. But due to God's good grace, I can rest easy that it'll be at least 7 years before the next one.

Thanks for caring, and praying, and wondering along with me.

Now - off to work.

Monday, October 08, 2007

T minus 24 hours...

If there ever was a time to's now. For those who are inclinded to beg for mercy - my Board Exam is at 10am tomorrow and should be over in approximately 7 hours.
Any begging and pleading is much appreciated...
PS: the picture above was taken in good ole Halfway Oregon!