Monday, October 24, 2005

Break From Reality

Everyone needs a break now and then.

Whether you're busy or bored, stressed or stagnant - there's health and vitality in stepping from your narrow world - to the full-sized world of someone else.
Even in the midst of PA school - a touch of reality is necessary.
With only ONE exam this week - instead of the usual two or three - Chris and I seized the opportunity to catch up (for 12 hours) with the dearly loved folks of Washington.

Saturday proved to be a whirlwind of a day.
I won't include the plethora of details - but it was a great day.

Sunny. Warm. SEATTLE.

Things we learned or did while on our 12 hour tour...
~ Chris and I were in the same room/vehicle for > 4 hours in a row...first time while conscious in many weeks
~ I had (several) fabulous Mimosas before noon - thanks Lacey
~ my big brother Brian is House Hunting! Good luck, bro
~ bridal showers are MUCH different and less mysterious as a wife than as a fiance'
~ little Brother-in-law Ryan has a girlfriend! woohoo!
~ my medical stories are becoming rated PG-13 - and are officialy inappropriate for dinner table conversation
~ inappropriate medical stories are best told using your INSIDE voice....especially in restaurants
~ Seattle will always be our true home - what a pleasure it is to know our way around
~ but....Hillsboro is starting to feel quite cozy
~ we miss everyone dearly

There is life outside Pacific University.
I can't wait to be reintroduced to society someday...

(the above picture is Bride-To-Be Lacey (middle), with proud Mother-in-law Joyce )

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