Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome 2006 - pass the kleenex...

It has been a lifetime since I sat to post an entry and I appologize for my absence and lack of stories or inappropriate medical humor. More shall be coming soon.
I sit with OJ, kleenex, dayquil and the remote in my lap. The first illness of my PA school career....which isnt' too shabby since I started over 7 months ago. (A record for my less than boisterous immune system) The bacteria and virus particles caught up to me during the busy and fullfilling holiday season.
The basics of our 3 weeks 'off' included 3 days in Seattle, 4 days in Sacramento/Pleasanton and 4 days in San Diego for the fabulous wedding of my brother -in-law Eric to his beautiful bride Lacey.
It was a whirlwind - but wonderful...
here are a few of the favorites...

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