Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Survival Tactics

I can't think of any great stories this week.
It's becoming common place now - all the small town quirks and strange occurances. I have gotten used to the ladies at the grocery store scrutinizing my purchases and eyeing quizzically which movies I check out. They even give me commentary - 'oh this one isn't very good' - or 'I don't think you'll like this one...'. Great. Thanks.
I ventured into the bar the other night with my preceptor to take the edge off a long week of old folks, head injuries and non-compliant diabetics. The converstations drifted from local boys coming back from Iraq to how many acres of hay we'll get this year out of the back 40, to the recent rectal exam one gentleman got from my preceptor, then from me.
Oh, good ole Halfway.
The clinic is good, kind of chaotic and full of interesting characters. I continue to learn and look like a fool much of the time - having forgotten most of the information I crammed into my head last year. I more often than not come home smelling of dirty feet, horse maneur or various abcess liquids.

So - I have employed the following means to survive and thrive during the remaining 6 weeks in this town.
#1 - I have overcome loneliness and the absence of my cute little bald husband by becoming a pet owner.
Meet Martin Baker Henderson.
He's my sweet little friend who blows bubbles and doesn't fall on his ramp and split open his head or yell or forget to take his medication.
He's fabulous.

#2 I have read at least 6.5 books and watched a dozen movies. Hoooray.

#3 - I have officially gone hiking by myself for the first time. It was strange, fun, boring, nice - a beautiful day. I only got attacked once - by this funny chicken-like bird who appeared to be injured. He was in distress.
I subsequently got a raging secondarily infected case of poison oak. Fun times.

#4 - I was able to sneak away for an 80 MPH 48 hour rendezvouswith two dear friends to meet their cute little squishy newborns.

Meet Rogan below, and

Miss Madelyn

I'm officially addicted. Don't you just want to eat them up?

My parents come to town soon. Then the rodeo will be here in 2 weeks and apparently that brings a lot of blood and guts and tight Wrangler-wearing folks to town.
I mean, more than I already see on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

Hey Katie-I just read your last blog. Life in Halfway sounds fun. Cute fish by the way. I love and miss you, although probably not as much as your cute bald guy. You are in my prayers.
Love, abs

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog. You always bring a smile to my face. I love reading your stories. Read any good books lately. Loved seeing you.
Love, Sue h

Ryan Henderson said...

hey sista, haven't stopped by in a while. you are kicking my arse in the regularity of your posting. keep it up...