Friday, January 26, 2007

Belize Bound

With great pleasure, dear reader, I announce my plans to leave the country! And it doesn't come a minute too soon. For the last 4 weeks I have endured a difficult road of Trauma - blood and brains and guts and pain. Lots of it.
So tonight I am happily leaving on a Jet plane - to land in a Central American country with 87 degree days and 75 degree nights and some of the best diving in the world. Days will include Clinic visits to quaint villages or in the small burg of Punta Gorda, and evenings include hanging out with other medical students playing cards, swimming and existing in tank tops, shorts and flip flops.
Need I say more?

I'll try to send pictures and notes while I'm there - stay posted! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Katie- If you need something while you are in Belieze, contact "Nurse Donna". She is an old time family friend who is a NP who lives in PG. She is super nice and fun!


Anonymous said...

I've just found this site and am very excited about it - but where are you? It's April!