Sunday, October 09, 2005


"...beyond the passion
and fatigue
I know You're there
and that the spirit is
leading me
beyond all this..."

~Rich Mullins

Do you ever have one of those amazing mornings - Sunday Mornings - where you feel like God orchestrated this intentional constelation of ideas, stories, songs, Words, people - all into one great 3 hour stretch?

Well that was me today.

It started with a great autumn run, a thoughtful story on 'this american life', a devotion, an old friend at church, a new friend at church, a perfectly sung version of U2's "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" ...
random but excellent...
and it was all capped off by the BEST sermon ever - written by God - and delivered from the heart and mouth of
my husband Chris.


It is mornings like this that I can't believe I'm here.
I am reminded that there is a HUGE plan at work - I'm just a tiny but precious player in it all.


Anonymous said...

Best blog entry ever!
-Chris Henderson
Lake Oswego Review

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, articulated thoughts. You are an awesome writer!! I love being able to get glimpses "inside your mind".
The Wicked Witch of the West on Wheels